Friday, June 18, 2010


  go to this site and look at the solar warnings !!!before you read this.

Back to the scheduled programming's called that for a reason you know.....

time to wake up.

June 18/2010 3:20-PM EST
   By : Isaac

    I want to explain what happens when 35 °F Water Based Mud , used for kills, hits oil in a brittle/damaged wellbore/casing/pipe/sub-floor areas with a temperature of 392-492 f.     And a few other critical things.

   Typically sub-floor temperature increases with sediment depth by about 40°C to 50°C per kilometer (about 115°F to 145°F per mile ) Drilling mud, passing through 5k'+ feet of of cold water, and there are thermoclines ( massive rapid changes in water temperature due to unpredictable deep-sea water currents ) happening in the Gulf right now (check my post "Release the Kraken " ) will by any logical conclusion, be at the ambient water temp by the time it passes the horizon of the ocean/sub-floor divide. And it will stay at very near that temperature, because the laws of thermodynamics dictate heat loss. Cold mud will take some time to heat up to the ambient sub-floor temperatures, once it is flooded into the damaged casing and well field, and they will have to use a lot.
   The wells need to reach a depth of 18,000 feet to cut off the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This is BP's estimate, not mine. The reservoir of oil is below 18,000 feet. Planned Intersection Depth: +- 18,000'.
The exact seabed depth is  5,249'

  18 000 feet = 3.409 miles.                            Hottest possible field temperature : 494.305 ° f
                                                                      Coldest possible field temperature : 392.305 ° f

 Water expands to 1700 times it's own volume in microseconds when it flashes to steam. The liquid in heavy mud is water. That's why it's called Water Based Mud. It's chock full of other ingredients like Bentonite, but that's not relevant. The water is very relevant.

   High pressure steam explosions are very see how they are at above sea-level, hence New York's exploding steam infrastructure. Imagine the power released by a steam explosion 23,249' under sea level pressure in the sub-floor.

   Another very damaging effect comes that comes from steam is hydrodynamic cavitation, which describes the process of vaporisation, bubble generation and bubble implosion which occurs in a flowing liquid as a result of a decrease and subsequent increase in pressure. Cavitation will only occur if the pressure declines to some point below the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid. In pipe systems, cavitation typically occurs either as the result of an increase in the kinetic energy (through an area constriction) or an increase in the pipe elevation.

  This decline in the vapor pressure in liquid as the initial gases expand and then collapse under great pressure, produces a reciprocal reaction until the energy produced is lost.

  Another Yahoo poster on the finance boards has provided the exact temperature at this depth that water will boil at......I don't think he figured salt water into the equation, but anyways....he says 600 degrees at that depth....which means that if they force water down into the horizon of temperature where water will flash to steam, and they are about 15-10k over a lava field, ( salt tectonics studies in this area reveals it. ) then they can set off a cascade of explosions /implosions in the sub-floor. I don't believe what BP says about the temperatures of the flow...or the sub-floor structure   ....why should I ?  Changes in salinity lower the boiling point of water. The closer you get to the temperature horizon, the greater the danger. That's why water goes super-critical in the first place., small changes in pressure or temperature result in large changes in density. A supercritical fluid is any substance at a temperature and pressure above its critical point. It can effuse through solids like a gas, and dissolve materials like a liquid. In addition, close to the critical point, small changes in pressure or temperature result in large changes in density, Salt lowers the boiling point of water. They are working under rapidly fluctuating pressures at great depth in practically solid salt...2+2+2=6

Water goes super-critical at 647.096 °K
Kenny's stated temperature is 600 °F
600 ° F = 588.70556 ° K....right near the super-critical threshold for water.

Nuff said ...?

Even if Kenny is right about the temperature.., there is only  a difference of 105.695 f, and like I said, I don't believe anything they say about the data.

( EDIT ) My bad, my math was's actually only 58.39044 K, ...even less.

    Next, I want to talk about hydrogen sulfide corrosion of metal alloys ( Especially cheap ones from China ) due to gas cavitation and corrosion, and sulfuric acid degradation of concrete used to line well bores.

   Hydrogen sulfide is produced when ..

A : Seawater reacts with sulfate in the rocks below the ocean floor, shallow sub-floor brine flows are known to to highly pressurized and unpredictable

B  : Microbial gas genesis. If you want a more in depth explanation of how microbial cyclical feeding actually works, read my blog post " Microbial vacation in the G.O.M. "

   Biogenic Sulfide Corrosion is a bacterially mediated process of forming hydrogen sulfide gas and the subsequent conversion to sulfuric acid that attacks concrete and steel within wastewater environments. The hydrogen sulfide gas is oxidized in the presence of moisture to form sulfuric acid that attacks the matrix of concrete. The effect of sulfuric acid on concrete and steel surfaces exposed to severe waste-water environments can be devastating. This is commonly known by drilling engineers to make metal brittle, and ripe for easy damage due to structural failure from rapid changes in pressure in the well casings.

   Again, Kenny stated it never happens, which is backed up with no fact. I got my info from the API and wikipedia...which seem like 2 credible sources...that it is a very real problem in the petroleum industry.

   Blowing cold Water Based Mud into an already damaged well/casing/stringer/sub-floor is what causes more damage in the first place. I am doubtful they will be able to overcome the temperature of the entire highly pressurized well-field.

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